IELTS Success Canada: Abdelaziz
Hey! It’s my favourite type of podcast – the one where I get to sit down and talk to one of our students whose IELTS journey has come to an end. In fact, this week it was Nick who sat down with Abdelaziz to find out how he was able to pass IELTS first time with an overall score of 8.0 (including an 8.0 for writing!). If you are looking for inspiration, motivation, or just good advice about what you can do to reach your target score, then stop listening to me, and start listening to our lovely student, Abdelaziz, who is our IELTS success Canada story today!
Below, you can find a summary of the episode, which includes all of the links to useful materials and the times of each part of the discussion (so you can go directly to the part you want to listen to) 🚀
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My IELTS Classroom Podcast Summary: IELTS Success Canada, Abdelaziz!
00:00 – 05:56 Introduction (What do you know about Canada? I bet it’s not as much as Shelly!)
05:57 – END IELTS student success!
Abdelaziz is a pharmacist from Egypt. He was able to reach way above his target score of 8777, which is what he needed to qualify for the fast-track migration programme to Canada, on his FIRST attempt thanks to only one thing – his accurate assessment of his level of English / Academic skills.
Almost every student I work with underestimates how hard it is to score 8777. I mean, I know that it doesn’t look far from 6666 but an extra 1.0 or 1.5 in IELTS is literally months of work as your level of English will needs to improve by two whole levels! Sadly, this misunderstanding is the key reason why students waste time, effort and money on multiple failed attempts, and usually end up believing wild myths like IELTS is a scam!

Abdelaziz was different. With the help of My IELTS Classroom, he spent 6 months working on his exam skills until he felt confident that he could hit CLB9. In fact, he always targeted even higher, so that those would be the lowest scores that he could achieve. (I want to add that he did this in the early days of the pandemic when he was working 12 hour shifts at the pharmacy, which I always found very impressive).
The good news is all that hard work paid off and he was able to achieve 9, 8.5, 8, 7 in his test and is now able to apply for his visa. All he has left to do now is take the Academic paper so that he can register as a pharmacist when he gets there (listen for more information about this!)
I work with many people taking IELTS to migrate to Canada, and I am always so impressed with them. I mean, moving to another country is NOT easy – it takes a lot of determination and courage. Thankfully, Abdelaziz’s story has a happy ending – want to find out exactly what he did to pass IELTS first time? Then listen to Abdelaziz tell you in his own words – I promise it is such a great, inspiring story!
You can find all of our video lessons, including a full 10-hour course on Academic Writing Task one, on our main website www.myieltsclassroom.com. This is where you can also sign up for our IELTS essay correction service or join one of our writing packages. 🚀