How will the IELTS Children Protection Policy affect your IELTS test?
Hey, this is just a very short blog post to update you with some small changes that will be coming into effect over the next few months following the implementation of a new IELTS children protection policy. The policy is designed to ensure that every test-taker under the age of eighteen sits the exam in the safest possible environment.
In terms of the test itself, nothing will change – under 18’s will continue to sit the same test as adults. The only difference will be that from June 2020, every minor will be accompanied throughout the test day by a chaperone. This will NOT be a parent or guardian, but a member of the IELTS test day team will be appointed to accompany the test-taker from the moment they enter the restricted IELTS testing area until they are returned to a responsible legal guardian after the test.
Most important, the chaperone will be present in the speaking room during the minor’s speaking test. However, let me be clear, the chaperone will not be able to help or guide the student during the test! They will just sit quietly at the side of the room to make sure that the student is in a safe environment. The examiner will also mention the chaperone at the very start of the test as they record the test day information (i.e. date, centre number, student number, etc.), but other than that, they will take no part in the test.
Personally, I think that this is a good move. I have heard of students as young as 15 sit the test in the past, and I think it will be good to have a person making sure that they are looked after on test day. This is especially true when tests are held in large hotels where it is easy to get lost or when the main part of the test is held in a different location to the speaking part and finding the way between them may be stressful.
If you are under 18 and are looking for an IELTS teacher who can make your preparation FUN (yes, I promise it can be fun) and provide you with academic writing skills that will help you once you get to university, then click here to have a look at the free lessons at the start of my video course today!