Should you apply for an IELTS EOR?
If you are reading this blog post, then I expect it means that you have recently received some IELTS results that did not match your expectations, so let me start by saying how sorry I am. I know how difficult it can be to have your plans postponed by a test, especially one that has such high stakes. In today’s episode, Nick and I have one goal – to help you decide whether or not an IELTS EOR (Evaluation of Results) is a good idea or not.
There are a number of factors that you should consider before deciding to pay for your test to be re-marked by a senior examiner. Trust me, the last thing that you want to do is throw good money after bad.
This is a Patron Only Episode: Click here to support the show and gain access to the audio or click on the link to read a similar blog post below

This episode is a much more detailed account of the IELTS EOR process, but if you are short of time and want a shortened version, you can read my original blog post which covers the most basic factors to consider. However, I recommend that you invest 30 minutes of your day listening to Nick and I discuss these points clearly. Plus, you are very welcome to leave a question in the comments if you have a question that is not covered in the episode (which is unlikely, but may happen!).
Below, you can find a summary of the episode, which includes all of the links to useful materials and the times of each part of the discussion (so you can go directly to the part you want to listen to) 🚀
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Podcast Summary: Should you apply for an IELTS EOR?
00:00 – 03:10 What is an IELTS EOR?
Every candidate has the chance to apply for an IELTS remark if they feel that their scores do not reflect their true exam performance. There are many factors that you should take into account before deciding on applying for an enquiry into your results. However, before Nick and I discuss those, here are the basic facts.
- you must apply for an enquiry into your results within SIX WEEKS of your test date.
- you can choose to have ONE part of your test re-marked, or ALL FOUR parts.
- in the past, results could move up or down, but now they either stay the same or increase (i.e. they never decrease).
- your paper will be sent to an IDP or BC Head Office to be remarked (often in the UK, or Australia).
- your paper will be marked again by a senior examiner.
- the IELTS remark process takes between six to eight weeks (*I have been told that this may now be only 3 – 21 days for CBT, so it’s best to check with your centre).
- there is a fee for remarking (usually around $80), but if your score changes, the fee is REFUNDED.
Want to know how the examiner will apply the band descriptors when marking your IELTS essay?
Then download a copy of our FREE e-book, which explains how each of the four marking criteria is applied and includes the most common errors made by test-takers. Just click here for your copy.
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01:55 – 32:16 What should you consider before you apply for an IELTS EOR?
While sometimes an IELTS EOR can be a very good idea, there are some circumstances that would make it a poor one. Therefore, before you make the decision to apply, we strongly recommend that you consider the following points, all of which we discuss in depth in the episode.
- Do you want to pay up to a third of your test fee on asking for a remark?
- Do you have enough time to wait for the results of your IELTS EOR?
- Which parts of the test are worth asking for a remark and which aren’t?
- How much does your current score need to increase by?
- How big is the difference between your highest and lowest scores?
- For speaking, how does your current score compare to previous tests or feedback from a well-qualified teacher?
- Which are NOT reasons to ask for an IELTS EOR for speaking?
- For writing, are you sure that you addressed the essay question in full?
- Have you considered your performance in Task 1? Although your essay is worth twice as much as the letter or report, you will still need to perform well in Task 1 to get a high score.
32:17 – 33:27 What are the chances of your IELTS EOR being successful?
I would say that my students have a 50/50 success rate with IELTS EOR, but remember that I always advise them before they apply, so this may be higher than the average. The truth is that it is impossible to predict your chance of success without reading your essay or hearing your speaking recording. This is why it can be invaluable to consult with a teacher to help you decide if it is worth it for you or not.
Did you sit the exam with the British Council? Then you can apply for a free breakdown of your results. Find out how here.
33:59 – END What should your next steps be if you decide not to apply for an IELTS EOR
I would strongly urge you not to book another test until you know why you failed this one. If you wrote off-topic in the essay and that was the only problem, then you should go ahead and immediately book another test. However, if you don’t know why you got a 6.0 in speaking or a 6.5 in writing, FIND OUT. A good tutor should be able to identify your current problems very easily. Then, you can spend some time filling in the gaps in your knowledge before you sit again.
What you definitely DON’T want to do is just sit again because you think “next time it will be better”. I have worked with students who did this 12 or 13 times before they reached out for help. It is a depressing path to take and not one that I would wish for any student. The key thing to remember is that there is ALWAYS a reason why you got your current score.
Also, if you are feeling down after receiving your current result, that is totally natural and you may find reading this blog post a real help

If you decide that it is best for you to prepare again, then you can work personally with Nick or myself to improve your IELTS performance.You can find all of our live and video courses on our main website www.myieltsclassroom.com, which is where you can also sign up for our IELTS essay correction service 🚀