We have been named as the best IELTS website!
Are we really the best IELTS website?
Hey! This week I discovered that we had been independently named as the best IELTS website. This came as a shock as apparently the nomination happened over 6 months ago and I had no idea!
You see being a teacher is a funny job. You spend all day every day in class with your students, creating what you think is the best teaching environment, but you have no idea what the other teachers around you are doing in theirs. Sure, as a Director of Studies in two schools, I used to go in and observe teachers to give them feedback, but you never really know what is happening behind those doors.
In the same way, I have never really spent any time looking at other teacher’s IELTS websites. I know most of the big names but as for what their courses contain or how they teach, I am genuinely clueless! I know that I should do “market research” and look at my “competition” but the truth is, I really don’t care what is happening in other teacher’s classrooms.I have one mission – to offer students the highest quality teacher, at the fairest possible price and with the friendliest service.
That is why this week it was such a pleasant surprise when a student informed me that they had chosen to study with me after reading that My IELTS Classroom was ranked first on an IELTS website review page from TED IELTS.
Yes, that’s right – first! I am not going to lie – I found this absolutely thrilling as I had no idea that we were even featured in the post until a student told me this week! You can read the review here to find out what David Willis says about our lessons and why he ranked us at the top. In fact, I think that you should read what he says about the “schools” that you should AVOID. We all know that there are a lot of poor IELTS schools online, but this is the first time I have seen them named and shamed in this way – it is fascinating.
Anyway, I wanted to share this good news with you because, quite honestly, I am proud that another teacher recognised the hard work that I put into my course. And, this review appeared before we relaunched the site at the end of 2020 and added free DAILY LIVE LESSONS to all of our packages!
So, if you need help with just one part of the test, or all four, come join the hundreds of students who are studying and getting the scores they need at www.myieltsclassroom.com.